Step 1 : Browse eTenders Step 2 : View details
Browse eTenders View eTender details
Status: Delivery address:
Start time:
Online closing time:
Remaining time:
Latest delivery date for written submission: Latest delivery date for goods/services:
IEC contact person: Delivery cost option:
Contact telephone number:
Contact email:
eTender specification
eTender lines
Management and Business Professionals and Administrative ServicesReal estate servicesLease and rental of property or buildingCommercial or industrial facility rentalOffice Accommodation: WC032 Overstrand1 None None
eTender conditions
1. Have you noted the requirement to print and complete the attached bid forms in order to be considered for this RFQ?
2. Have you noted the closing date and time for this RFQ?
3. Have you noted that you must submit the completed bid forms as well as a written proposal by the closing date and time as stipulated in the RFQ document?
4. Have you noted that you must submit your bid as stipulated in the RFQ document?
5. Have you noted that you must register on the National Treasury Central Supplier Database (CSD) if you wish to engage with the Electoral Commission for any business opportunities?
1 - 5 of 32 conditions | Page 1234567 of 7 pages

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