Auction/eTender | Number | Title | Region | Time remaining | Status | Closing time |
eTender | IEC/NW-03/2024 |
Local Office Accommodation for NW403- City of Matlosana
| North West | 26 days, 20 hours | Running | 17 Jan 2025 11:00 |
eTender | IEC/EC-15/2024 |
Local Office Accommodation for EC139-Enoch Mgijima (Lukhanji/Queenstown)
| Eastern Cape | 26 days, 20 hours | Running | 17 Jan 2025 11:00 |
eTender | IEC/EC-16/2024 |
Local Office Accommodation For EC142-Senqu
| Eastern Cape | 26 days, 20 hours | Running | 17 Jan 2025 11:00 |
eTender | IEC/EC-14/2024 |
Local Office Accommodation For EC135-Intsika Yethu
| Eastern Cape | 26 days, 20 hours | Running | 17 Jan 2025 11:00 |
eTender | IEC/EC-13/2024 |
Local Office Accommodation for EC129-Raymond Mhlaba (Adelaide)
| Eastern Cape | 26 days, 20 hours | Running | 17 Jan 2025 11:00 |
eTender | IEC/EC-12/2024 |
Local Office Accommodation For EC121-Mbhashe
| Eastern Cape | 26 days, 20 hours | Running | 17 Jan 2025 11:00 |
eTender | IEC/EC-11/2024 |
Local Office Accommodation For EC108-Kouga
| Eastern Cape | 26 days, 20 hours | Running | 17 Jan 2025 11:00 |
eTender | IEC/EC-10/2024 |
Local Office Accommodation for EC106-Sunday River Valley
| Eastern Cape | 26 days, 20 hours | Running | 17 Jan 2025 11:00 |
eTender | IEC/EC-09/2024 |
Local Office Accommodation for EC105 - Ndlambe
| Eastern Cape | 26 days, 20 hours | Running | 17 Jan 2025 11:00 |
Auction | 0010536147 |
Supply, Delivery and Installation of Office Furniture
| Head Office | 29 days, 20 hours | Running | 20 Jan 2025 11:00 |