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Auction specification
Auction lines
Material Handling and Conditioning and Storage Machinery and their Accessories and SuppliesPackaging materialsPackaging boxes and bags and pouchesPackaging boxesPackaging boxesSupply and delivery of ARROW SIGNS to Eastern Cape warehouse5500 None None
Material Handling and Conditioning and Storage Machinery and their Accessories and SuppliesPackaging materialsPackaging boxes and bags and pouchesPackaging boxesPackaging boxesSupply and delivery of ARROW SIGNS to Free State warehouse1900 None None
Material Handling and Conditioning and Storage Machinery and their Accessories and SuppliesPackaging materialsPackaging boxes and bags and pouchesPackaging boxesPackaging boxesSupply and delivery of ARROW SIGNS to Gauteng warehouse3200 None None
Material Handling and Conditioning and Storage Machinery and their Accessories and SuppliesPackaging materialsPackaging boxes and bags and pouchesPackaging boxesPackaging boxesSupply and delivery of ARROW SIGNS to Kwazulu-Natal warehouse5600 None None
Material Handling and Conditioning and Storage Machinery and their Accessories and SuppliesPackaging materialsPackaging boxes and bags and pouchesPackaging boxesPackaging boxesSupply and delivery of ARROW SIGNS to Central warehouse800 None None
Auction conditions
1. Have you noted the auction specification attached on this auction?
2. Does your product conform to the auction specification and conditions/requirements as per section 2 of the item specifications?
3. Are you able to deliver the required products and quantity of 17,000 voting station arrow signs pack of 5 as per section 1 and 2 of the item specifications?
4. Are you able to deliver the required quantity of 17,000 voting station arrow signs pack of 5 by no later than 29 February 2024 as specified on section 5 of the item specifications?
5. Have you noted that your bid must be for a full quantity of 17,000 voting station arrow signs pack of 5 and fully inclusive of all costs (incl VAT, packaging and delivery), as stipulated on section 6 of the item specifications?
1 - 5 of 42 conditions | Page 123456789 of 9 pages
Bid awarded purchase order details
* Negiotiated Price Amount
NumberItemItem specificationQuantityUnit amount including VATSupplierTotal amountAwarded on
4500378919Packaging boxesSupply and delivery of ARROW SIGNS to Eastern Cape warehouse5500R550,000.00KAIROS COMMUNICATIONS (PTY) LTDR2,757,008.0018 Apr 2024
4500378919Packaging boxesSupply and delivery of ARROW SIGNS to Free State warehouse1900R190,000.00KAIROS COMMUNICATIONS (PTY) LTDR2,757,008.0018 Apr 2024
4500378919Packaging boxesSupply and delivery of ARROW SIGNS to Gauteng warehouse3200R320,000.00KAIROS COMMUNICATIONS (PTY) LTDR2,757,008.0018 Apr 2024
4500378919Packaging boxesSupply and delivery of ARROW SIGNS to Kwazulu-Natal warehouse5600R238,504.00KAIROS COMMUNICATIONS (PTY) LTDR2,757,008.0018 Apr 2024
4500378919Packaging boxesSupply and delivery of ARROW SIGNS to Central warehouse800R80,000.00KAIROS COMMUNICATIONS (PTY) LTDR2,757,008.0018 Apr 2024
1 - 5 of 5 purchase order details | Page 1 of 1 pages
Bids received
Potential rankingBidderBid amount including VATBid points
2MOGWELE WASTE (PTY) LTDR1,740,470.0078.99
4TOKS LOG (PTY) LTDR2,295,000.0026.81
1 - 5 of 5 received bids | Page 1 of 1 pages

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