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IEC contact person: Delivery cost option:
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eTender specification
eTender lines
Building and Facility Construction and Maintenance ServicesNonresidential building construction servicesCommercial and office building construction servicesLocal Office AccommodationLocal Office Accommodation For FS205 – MAFUBE 1 None None
eTender conditions
1. As the bidder, do you declare that you or any of your directors have not been convicted by a court of law (including a court outside of the Republic of South Africa) for fraud or corruption during the past five years?
2. Does your company comply with the Employment Equity Act (55 of 1998)? Failure to comply with the relevant provisions of this Act should be sufficient ground for rejection of a bid
3. Do you agree with the eProcurement (VotaQuotes) site and the bid terms and conditions?
4. Have you noted that this eTender shall ONLY be awarded to a bidder that is tax compliant?
5. Have you noted that you must continuously monitor your tax compliance status on the CSD and ensure that your registration status remains approved on eProcurement VotaQuotes up and till the award of the eTender?
1 - 5 of 26 conditions | Page 123456 of 6 pages

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