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IEC contact person: Delivery cost option:
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Auction specification
Auction lines
Engineering and Research and Technology Based ServicesComputer servicesComputer software licensing rental or leasing serviceComputer software licensing serviceComputer software licensing serviceIdentity Governance and Administration Solution1 None None
Auction conditions
1. Are you aware that bidders must place bids online on the Electoral Commission’s eProcurement website by not later than the stipulated closing date and time on the auction?
2. Are you aware that the bidder must be authorized to sell the proposed product and that an OEM proof of reseller authorization is required?

3. Are you aware that the pricing must be firm for a minimum of one hundred and eighty (180) days from close of auction?
4. Are you aware that the successful bidder will have the primary responsibility of ensuring that the proposed product complies with the required specifications in terms of functionality and technical specification including quantity and quality?
5. Are you aware that upon a successful bid being accepted, the Electoral Commission reserves the right to request an inspection of the preferred service provider’s facilities?
1 - 5 of 33 conditions | Page 1234567 of 7 pages
Bids received
Potential rankingBidderBid amount including VATBid points
 ACCENTURE (SOUTH AFRICA) (PTY) LTDR3,600,000.00100.00
 GNR CONNECT (PTY) LTDR9,310,003.99-26.89
 ESK SUPPLIERS (PTY) LTDR9,625,000.00-33.89
 THREEFRAMES (PTY) LTDR9,736,721.00-56.37
1 of 8 received bids | Page 1 2 of 2 pages

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