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Latest upload date for online documentation files: Latest delivery date for goods/services:
IEC contact person: Delivery cost option:
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Auction specification
Auction lines
Material Handling and Conditioning and Storage Machinery and their Accessories and SuppliesPacking suppliesSecuring and protecting suppliesTamper proof or security sealsTamper proof or security sealsSecurity bags - (results)15000 None None
Auction conditions
1. Have you noted the auction specification attached on this auction?
2. Does your product conform to the auction specification and conditions/requirements as per section 2 of the item specifications?
3. Are you able to deliver the required quantities (15 000-security bags – results) to the Electoral Commission warehouses as specified on section 16 of the bid specifications?
4. Have you noted the requirement to submit a sample and written proposal not later than the closing date and time as stipulated on the eProcurement system, as stipulated in section 10 of the bid specifications?
5. Are you able to deliver the required quantities to the Electoral Commission warehouses as specified on section 16 of the bid specifications?
1 - 5 of 38 conditions | Page 12345678 of 8 pages
Bids received
Potential rankingBidderBid amount including VATBid points
 PLASLOPE (PTY) LTDR210,150.009.56
 KINGTUK GROUP (PTY) LTDR299,250.00-34.23
 SERVENET (PTY) LTDR387,000.00-97.05
1 of 5 received bids | Page 1 of 1 pages

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