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Auction specification
Auction lines
Material Handling and Conditioning and Storage Machinery and their Accessories and SuppliesPackaging materialsPackaging boxes and bags and pouchesPackaging pouches or bagsSupply and delivery of Voting CompartmentsVoting Compartments 3 Cardboard9300 None None
Material Handling and Conditioning and Storage Machinery and their Accessories and SuppliesPackaging materialsPackaging boxes and bags and pouchesPackaging pouches or bagsSupply and delivery of Voting CompartmentsVoting Compartments 3 Cardboard3500 None None
Material Handling and Conditioning and Storage Machinery and their Accessories and SuppliesPackaging materialsPackaging boxes and bags and pouchesPackaging pouches or bagsSupply and delivery of Voting CompartmentsVoting Compartments 3 Cardboard6200 None None
Material Handling and Conditioning and Storage Machinery and their Accessories and SuppliesPackaging materialsPackaging boxes and bags and pouchesPackaging pouches or bagsSupply and delivery of Voting CompartmentsVoting Compartments 3 Cardboard7000 None None
Material Handling and Conditioning and Storage Machinery and their Accessories and SuppliesPackaging materialsPackaging boxes and bags and pouchesPackaging pouches or bagsSupply and delivery of Voting CompartmentsVoting Compartments 3 Cardboard4500 None None
Material Handling and Conditioning and Storage Machinery and their Accessories and SuppliesPackaging materialsPackaging boxes and bags and pouchesPackaging pouches or bagsSupply and delivery of Voting CompartmentsVoting Compartments 3 Cardboard2000 None None
Material Handling and Conditioning and Storage Machinery and their Accessories and SuppliesPackaging materialsPackaging boxes and bags and pouchesPackaging pouches or bagsSupply and delivery of Voting CompartmentsVoting Compartments 3 Cardboard7000 None None
Material Handling and Conditioning and Storage Machinery and their Accessories and SuppliesPackaging materialsPackaging boxes and bags and pouchesPackaging pouches or bagsSupply and delivery of Voting CompartmentsVoting Compartments 3 Cardboard4000 None None
1 - 8 of 10 auction line items | Page 12 of 2 pages
Auction conditions
1. Have you noted the auction Specification attached on this auction?
2. Does your product conform to the auction specifications and conditions/requirements, as stipulated in section 2 of the item specifications?
3. Have you noted the requirement to submit samples before commencing with bulk production, as stipulated in section 13 of the item specifications?
4. Are you able to deliver the required products and quantity 54,700 (Fifty-four thousand seven hundred) packs of 3 Voting Compartments by the required date, i.e. 30 July 2021, as stipulated in section 6 of the item specifications?
5. Have you noted that your bid must be for a full quantity of 54,700 (Fifty-four thousand seven hundred) packs of 3 Voting Compartments and fully inclusive of all costs (incl VAT, packaging and delivery), as stipulated in section 6 and 9 of the item specifi
1 - 5 of 29 conditions | Page 123456 of 6 pages
Bid awarded purchase order details
* Negiotiated Price Amount
NumberItemItem specificationQuantityUnit amount including VATSupplierTotal amountAwarded on
4500337317Supply and delivery of Voting CompartmentsVoting Compartments 3 Cardboard9300R3,710,700.00CORRUSEAL CORRUGATED KZN (PTY) LTDR21,825,300.0018 Sep 2021
4500337317Supply and delivery of Voting CompartmentsVoting Compartments 3 Cardboard3500R1,396,500.00CORRUSEAL CORRUGATED KZN (PTY) LTDR21,825,300.0018 Sep 2021
4500337317Supply and delivery of Voting CompartmentsVoting Compartments 3 Cardboard6200R2,473,800.00CORRUSEAL CORRUGATED KZN (PTY) LTDR21,825,300.0018 Sep 2021
4500337317Supply and delivery of Voting CompartmentsVoting Compartments 3 Cardboard7000R2,793,000.00CORRUSEAL CORRUGATED KZN (PTY) LTDR21,825,300.0018 Sep 2021
4500337317Supply and delivery of Voting CompartmentsVoting Compartments 3 Cardboard4500R1,795,500.00CORRUSEAL CORRUGATED KZN (PTY) LTDR21,825,300.0018 Sep 2021
1 - 5 of 10 purchase order details | Page 1 2 of 2 pages
Bids received
Potential rankingBidderBid amount including VATBid points
2INSIDEDATA SOUTH (PTY) LTDR13,675,000.00-3137.25
4DIVINE CONCEPTS GROUP (PTY) LTDR23,794,500.00-5588.54
1 - 5 of 8 received bids | Page 1 2 of 2 pages

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