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CSD registration
  • With effect from 1 April 2017, the Electoral Commission may not award a bid to a supplier that is not registered on CSD. Prospective suppliers are now required to self-register on the CSD website first, before they can register on the VotaQuotes website.
    Click here for more information (PDF).

  • Use the value in the field 'Email address' as displayed on the CSD registration summary report . Refer to the section 'Supplier Contact Information' where you have answered yes on the question 'Is this your preferred Contact?'

Username and password:
  • The username and password you create will be required to log in when returning to the VotaQuotes website.
  • * Please keep a record of your username and password.

A strong password must meet the following defined rules:
  • The password length must be at least eight (8) characters.
  • The password cannot contain spaces.
  • The password must contain at least one (1) character from each of the following four classes:
    • Upper case
    • Lower case
    • Numeral
    • Special characters (!@#$%^&*()_+~`'";:\|/?<>=_.,)
  • The password may not be derived in any way from your username. ie. joe.l.smith's password cannot be joE1#$2 or @Smith098.
Step 1 Sign up/Verify email:
  • Please keep a record of your username and password.
CSD supplier number:*
CSD preferred contact email :*
Re-type username:*
Re-type password:*
Verification code: Verification Code. Please enable images on your browser.
Type the verification code:*

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